06/01/2024 - Written By Mason Stein

Welcome To The Website

Hello friends and readers!


I have created thehighlonesomeoutdoors.com as an outlet for my outdoor hobbies. I intend to produce blogs such as this one when interesting events occur I want to commentate on.

This is only the second website I have created and managed, please bear with issues that may arise. To improve this website feel free to use the contact page to email me with recommendations!

To give further context to who I am, and what I intend to do with this website, I will explain what The High Lonesome is. The High Lonesome is a YouTube channel I created to publish online content in 2023. 


The High Lonesome Outdoors is the website version of this outlet, however, I intend to use this website for other purpose than video entertainment such as the YouTube version of The High Lonesome.


Mainly what I intend to use this website for the Blog, and Article pages. The latter includes higher-quality documents that are intended to be referenced by other people. These texts may include tutorials, how-to's, guides, and more.

The Blog section of this website is dedicated to documenting my experiences, providing updates, commentary, and other less-serious documents than Articles.